Shows to binge watch over christmas break
Shows to binge watch over christmas break

shows to binge watch over christmas break
shows to binge watch over christmas break


The series is a must-binge because its reminder we all could have much worse family members, even more, it is admirable and worthy of praise for how Shameless depicts storylines, such as, (**SPOILER**) Frank leaving his mother in the care of never-leaves-her-house Shelia Jackson who goes on to smother Frank’s mother with a pillow after asking to die, Debbie dealing with the struggles of becoming a teen mom, or Veronica finding out she’s unable to become pregnant so her and Kevin’s solution is for her mom to become pregnant with Kevin’s child. Joined by neighbor couple, Kevin Ball and Veronica Fisher, and a collection of characters that make up the working class neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago where they live.

shows to binge watch over christmas break

Rounding out the Gallagher family is Lip, Ian, Debbie, Carl, and Liam who have stood by each other, in their own special family way. The seven, soon to be eight, long-running show on Showtime follows the f****d up, dysfunctional lives of the Gallagher family led by eldest daughter, Fiona, because their father, Frank, is an alcoholic deadbeat who’s actions range from hiding the death of Great Aunt Ginger to keep receiving her Social Security checks to sneaking his way back into the country from Mexico after losing his wallet. On your break of holiday cheer and good tidings, Shameless is the show to binge. Not to mention, the friends we invite over to give us cover and provide them relief from their own family. The crazy uncle we wish would drink his eggnog and not talk about politics, the twisted cousin we’re only happy to see on holidays, or the grandmother who dotes on the grandchildren, but is a menace to their parents, all end up making an appearance. ShamelessĬhristmas is a time when the true, unfiltered family dynamics are laid out on the table. With four seasons and 40+ episodes, this is more than enough content to make this the ultimate binge-worthy show. -Steven Keehner 2.


In an age of repeated storytelling and jokes throughout the TV and films we consume, BoJack Horseman continues to push the limit of what can be achieved through a backward, alcoholic, and self-destructive reversed-centaur. This adds so much more to the universe of BoJack Horseman and it makes the series feel that much more authentic. Viewers should pay close attention during each episode, as you’ll likely see something happen in the first season only to be referenced again in the fourth. What’s also enjoyable is how consistent the show’s jokes are. It’s both refreshing and unique to watch. It can go from taking itself lightly to seriously in a few moments. Despite the show existing in an unrealistic universe, it acts as one of the most realistic shows I’ve ever seen. Issues like abusive relationships, drug abuse, sexuality, and mental health are also themes in BoJack Horseman. But for as much as the show is lighthearted and humorous, it can also take on serious topics. The show thrives in its ability to subtly reference these into each episode. It analyzes those who make it what it is and those who consume it whether it is over-importance of how celebrities view themselves or the hypocrisy of us as a society, BoJack Horseman can successfully look at these aspects of popular culture in a hilarious manner. The show takes an excellent satirical view of Hollywood. To be honest, it is a little stupid, but that’s what makes BoJack Horseman brilliant. If I were to tell you about a show that followed the life of a horse-man hybrid, his rise and fall from being the star on a 90s sitcom to a drunk, and his journey back to the top in Hollywood, it would sound a little stupid. When asked to pick what show one should binge, I have, and always will point them to one show: BoJack Horseman. Soon though, we’ll all be able to relax and enjoy a nice break from the hustle and bustle of the semester, and that means time to binge watch. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite, bingeworthy shows to watch so find as many streaming log in’s you can and get watching! 1. We’re all running around finishing up semester projects, shopping around for the perfect gifts, and trying not to go crazy from stress.

Shows to binge watch over christmas break